J A Shurman ~ Time line

Arrival at Calcutta, India.

(15?) 19 November 1833 | Calcutta, India
Spent two weeks with Mr Lacroix at Garden Beach (?).1 ] Contracted fever due to humidity.
  1. Lacroix was an LMS missionary near Calcutta:
    3. Kidderpore, including, Rammakal Choke, S[outh]. from Calcutta 18 miles, and Gungree, S. 18 miles. Missionary -- Mr Lacroix. In connection with these places are nearly 30 villages, in which the Native Christians reside. Formerly two distinct Churches were organized, but since the departure from India of Mr. Ray, they have been united. There are 70 communicants, and nearly the same number of inquirers. There are two Bengalee Schools, and a Christian Boarding School, which has been lately established, and is under the care of Mr. Campbell. (The Calcutta Christian Observer, Band 2/1833. Page 613. [Google Books].) --
    6. Benares. Missionary -- Mr. Buyers. The prospects at this station are rather encouraging. The Chapel is crowded with attentive hearers three times in the week. In several schools, Oordoo and Hindee, the lads are instructed in the Doctrines and Evidences of Christianity. We are happy to state that another Missionary, a Mr. Schürman, has arrived in Calcutta, and intends shortly to proceed to Benares to join Mr. Buyers. (ibid., Page 614). [ ▲ ]

For reference:

Administrator. J A Shurman ~ Time line :: (15?) 19 November 1833 - Arrival at Calcutta, India, in: Pirltawardli Research Website. Adelaide 2024.
(Created: 27.01.2015. Last updated: 27.01.2015.)
Direct URL: <www.grweb.org/cpo-pirltawardli/en/detail.php?rubric=other_ShurmanJA_timeline&nr=1011&PHPSESSID=50ob4pgstir4v7qfbkh8bvs5d6>. Viewed 20.04.2024.