28.02.2016 ~ Barngarla look for Schurmann's school site
The Lower Eyre Peninsula’s Kallinyalla Parnkalla Land Sea Aboriginal Corporation is working in joint partnership with the Prescribed Body Corporate Barngarla Native Title Holders Aboriginal Corporation of Eyre Peninsula to find a site relating to missionary Clamor Wilhelm Schurmann.
Schurmann lived around the Port Lincoln area in the early to mid 1840s and was seen as one of the few people who tried to deal kindly with the region’s Barngala people.
The team believes they have found the site on private property near North Shields where Schurmann's cottage was, as well as a school where he taught Barngala children and documented their language. The site was also a safe place for Barngarla adults to camp and receive rations.
The organisations are working with archaeology experts from Flinders University, the University of Queensland and Wallis Heritage Consulting. ..."
This article is related to the visit of the site by a group of Barngarla people, the current team of archaeologist, University of Adelaide researchers, and descendants of Clamor Schürmann, on 3 November 2015 (see article below).
For reference:
(Created: 28.02.2016. Last updated: 05.05.2016.)
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