Organisations & Links


This page is a preliminary collection of Internet addresses relating to the wider topic of this website.  At a later date I will systematically search for additional information and then re-organise the link list.  The selection and order of entries is alphabetic and does not indicate any valuing.

Links to Organisations and Websites

Barngarla Country

Kaurna Country

  • CRED: Cultural Research Education Design

    Karl Winda Telfer and Gavin Malone founded CRED in 2012 to provide bi-cultural cultural research, education and design services, where Aboriginal culture is given equity with the incoming European culture in public space governance and design processes.

  • Kaurna Aboriginal Community & Heritage Association Inc. (KACHA)
    KACHA aims preserve and encourage Kaurna Cultural/Heritage practices and to educate and inform the general community of Kaurna traditions, customs, issues of health, housing heritage protection and conservation. The Kaurna Heritage region covers the areas from Crystal Brook to Cape Jervis and inland to the Mt Lofty Ranges. (No website of their own.)

  • Kaurna in the Public Arena Post 1980
    The 'Kaurna in the Public Arena' project aims to identify and map the many and varied ways in which the language is used in the public arena. The maps allow us to see at a glance, the different kinds of users of the Kaurna names etc, the different purposes for which the language is used and the geographic spread of this use.

  • Kaurna Language Learning Series
    Dedicated Youtube Channel for Kaurna video clips produced by the KWP Media Team.  The collection of short video clips are a great resource for Kaurna learners, in particular children.

  • Kaurna Native Title Claim (National Native Title Tribunal)
    Information about the Native Title Claim and Kaurna Country boundaries.

  • Kaurna Place Names Website
    The Kaurna Place Names project aims to identify and map places with Kaurna names and to encourage the use and increase knowledge of these names. It begins with names in southern Kaurna country.
    The project combines work of the Kaurna Warra Pintyandi language group and the Land Services Group and is an initiative of the Kaurna Tappa Iri Regional Agreement 2005-2008, with funds provided by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources.

  • Kaurna Plains Primary School
    Kaurna Plains School is an Aboriginal school which caters predominantly for Aboriginal students and provides choice for Aboriginal families in regard to schooling for their children.  Under its first principle, Kaurna Elder Aunty Alitya (Alice) Rigney, the school was one of the first places teaching the Kaurna language since the 1990s.

  • Kaurna Warra Karrpanthi Aboriginal Corporation (KWK)
    (Supporting the Kaurna Language of the Adelaide Plains)
    As the legal arm for the Kaurna Language reclamation movement, KWK was approved in 24 October 2013 by the Commonwealth Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) (ICN 7967).  At present, KWK operates from the premises of of the Tauondi Aboriginal Community College, Port Adelaide.

  • Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi (KWP)
    Established in 2002 by Kaurna Elders, Dr Lewis Yerloburka O'Brien and Dr Alitya Wallara Rigney together with Linguist, Dr Rob Amery,KWP is a body of Kaurna people, teachers, linguists and language enthusiasts who are passionate about the reclamation and revival of the Kaurna language. (Website with an extensive Link list.)

  • Living Kaurna Cultural Centre Warriparinga (City of Marion, SA)
    Over eons of time, the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains have gathered at Warriparinga. The Living Kaurna Cultural Centre was built here to ensure that Kaurna culture, and the Dreaming Story of the Land, is passed on from generation to generation.

  • The National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, known as Tandanya
    As an Aboriginal Culture, event and exhibition centre in Aelaide City, Tandanya is owned and managed by the National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Inc. and Australia’s oldest Aboriginal-owned and managed multi-arts centre. Tandanyais the Kaurna word for 'Place of the Red Kangaroo'. The name reflects the organisation’s ongoing commitment to honour and respect the traditional owners and custodians for this country.

  • wodli ngundarta
    Alding Arts Eco Village ~ University of Calgary Architecture Student Project 2014

Ngarrindjeri Country

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Aboriginal Australia

  • Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
    AIATSIS is a world-renowned research, collections and publishing organisation. We promote knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.
  • Kurruru Youth Performing Arts Inc
    , meaning 'circle' in local Kaurna language, is one of Australia’s leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth performing arts companies.  It is  committed to supporting the ongoing maintenance of culture, community and identity through a diverse array of performing art forms including dance, song, circus, music and comedy. Informed by innovative community cultural development practices, Kurruru is a nationally recognised leader in the creation of contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performance.
  • Nunga Wangga Radio Station (Radio Adelaide)
    Nunga Wangga means 'black fellas talking'.  But it’s much more than just talking about local, national and international issues. We keep you up to date with cultural and community events and showcase the enormous talent out there. We play 100% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music featuring new artists and live studio performances. With our diverse range of guests, the Nunga Wangga team from the land of the Kaurna people provide you with a glimpse into the dynamic, gifted, oldest living culture in the world.
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Aboriginal Studies, Research and Education

  • Department of Linguistics (University of Adelaide)
    Adelaide Linguistics is internationally known for its public impact and social contribution. It is home to the world's finest experts in Revivalistics, language reclamation, resurrection, revitalization, renewal and revival, and their link to Indigenous wellbeing and cultural empowerment. Adelaide linguists lead the revival of various Aboriginal Australian languages such as Kaurna, Barngarla (Parnkalla), Ngarrindjeri and Wirangu.
  • Endangered Languages Project
    The Endangered Languages Project puts technology at the service of the organizations and individuals working to confront the language endangerment by documenting, preserving and teaching them. Through this website, users can not only access the most up to date and comprehensive information on endangered languages as well as samples being provided by partners, but also play an active role in putting their languages online by submitting information or samples in the form of text, audio or video files.
  • Maityuwampidlu Kaurna yarta-arra (Cycling for Culture)
    Cycling for Culture is a unique blend of cycling, Aboriginal cultural experience and fundraising. Held for the first time in 2013, the inaugural event was a three day 'ride through Kaurna Country' or in Kaurna language: “Maityuwampidlu Kaurna yarta-arra”.
  • Mobile Language Team South Australia
    The Mobile Language Team (MLT) was established at the University of Adelaide in October 2009.  Supported financially by Australian federal grants, the MLT team and website provide support for the maintenance of Aboriginal Languages in South Australian.  Its Languages section provides a great entry point for the about 50 Aboriginal languages within SA borders.
  • Nunkuwarin Yunti SA Inc.

    provides a diverse range of services and programs within the Adelaide metropolitan region of South Australia dedicated to improving the physical, social and emotional wellbeing, spiritual, cultural and mental health of traditional, rural and urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

  • RNLD Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity

    An international non-profit organisation, founded in 2004 to advance the sustainability of the world's Indigenous languages. The maintenance and transmission of cultural and biological diversity is crucially linked to the maintenance of linguistic diversity. The task of maintaining Indigenous languages is multifaceted, with activities including language documentation, reclamation and revitalisation strategies, resource development, literature production, educational activities (such as language nests, school and community language programs), archiving of data, development of specialist tools, and training at all levels for people involved in language maintenance activities. It is within this scenario that the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity was founded in 2004 as a resource organisation with a broader focus than any of the individual activities or programs.

  • Tauondi Aboriginal Community College, Adelaide
    is a Kaurna word, meaning to 'penetrate' or 'break through'. The name of the College acknowledges the Kaurna people, our hosts and the traditional owners of  this land. Tauondi College is an Aboriginal Community College located at Port Adelaide, South Australia and has been delivering nationally accredited courses and non accredited Adult Community Education programs to the Aboriginal Community since 1973.
    Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education (University of Adelaide)

    Wirltu Yarlu is responsible for engaging with and recruiting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as well as providing support to students during their time here at the University of Adelaide.

Partner Organisations in Germany

  • Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig (Leipzig Mission)
    "LMW" is the successor of "Dresden Mission", the sending organisation of the four German Lutheran missionaries from Dresden in SA in the 1840s.  A frist contact between LMW and the three Aboriginal language communities in SA was re-established in 2011, when a small Aboriginal delegation was invited to attend the 175-year anniversary of LMW in Dresden. (Website in German only!)
  • Study Centre August Hermann Francke - Archive and Library (Francke Foundations, Halle)
    The Francke Foundations in Halle, East Germany, are an early pre-cursor of mission endeavours in Germany and yielded an important influence over the later developments.  Located near Leipzig, the professional Francke Foundations archives host the complete LMW archives up to 1993, including the Dresden Mission archives and its entire Australia correspondence. (Website in German only!)

Other Addresses World-wide

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For reference:

Gerhard Rüdiger. Organisations & Links, in: Pirltawardli Research Website, Adelaide 2025.
Direct URL: <>. Viewed 15.02.2025.