Selective and commented Bibliography
Please be aware that this bibliography is not complete. Titles listed here will be quoted in the footnotes or in the text with their "short title" and/or "title code" and the "Article ID" (a number in square brackets). A click on the ID link will open the complete entry with the option to "Return to the previous page". Feel free to lookup the "Additional information" with more bibliographic details, a download link, a review, further comments or a summary of the title.
A - D
„Friedrich Rückert -– Der ‚orientalische‘ Dichter und Philologe“. In: Poeta Philologus: Eine Schwellenfigur im 19. Jahrhundert, edited by Mark-Georg Dehrmann and Alexander Nebrig, 67–82. Peter Lang.
Under the Southern Cross : History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia. Facsim. ed. Adelaide: Lutheran Pub. House.
The British in Benares: A Nineteenth Century Colonial Society. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 4 (1962), 169–99.
Die ehemalige Hausgenossenstätte Schürmann zu Ellerbeck - Eine Zeitreise durch über 500 Jahre Hof- und Familiengeschichte. [The Former Schurmann Farming Community Settlement at Ellerbeck - A Journey over 500 Years of Farm and Family History.] Forthcoming in Osnabrücker Mitteilungen. Vol. 20/2015. Published by "Verein für Geschichte und Landeskunde von Osnabrück" [Association for the History and Culture of Osnabrueck].
E - H
Kommunikation in der Brüdergemeine: Überlegungen zur Rolle der Gemeinnachrichten. Unitas Fratrum - Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Gegenwartsfragen der Brüdergemeine, 63/64: 245-306.
Cross Cultural Communication : Global Perspectives. Concept Publishing Company.
Frau Pastor Shurmann. Paper presented at the Baptist Inter Church Ladies Social Afternoon, Hamilton, Monday 10 August 1998. (Unpublished Manuscript).
I - L
Life and Work in Benares and Kumaon 1839-1877. With an Introductory Note by Sir William Muir K.C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L. Late Lieutenant-Governor North Western Provinces of India. Illustrated. Cassell and Co Ltd: New York.
The two kingdoms: Lutheran missionaries and the British civilizing mission in early South Australia. PhD Thesis. School of History and Politics, University of Adelaide.
M - P
Schurmann Family Tree Database. Imported to Legacy 7.5. English. Hamilton/Melbourne.
And the Clock Struck Thirteen : The Life and Thoughts of Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis Yerloburka O'Brien / as told to Mary-Anne Gale. 1st ed. Kent Town. Wakefield Press, 2007.
Hier oder nirgends ist Herrnhut! : Evangelische Mission und utopische Wunschträume im 18. Jahrhundert. Vol. 7. Berliner Beiträge Zur Missionsgeschichte. Berlin: Wichern-Verlag.
The Foreign Maissionary Chronicle Containing a Particular Account of the Proceedings of the Board of Forein Missions of the Presbbyterian Church and a General View of the Transactions of Other Similar Institutions. Volume VI. Published Monthly under the Direction of the Executive Committee. New York: Robert Charter. 1838
Q - T
Acta Historico-Ecclesiastica seculi XIX 1836-37
Kleine Schriften Zur Indologie. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
Mission Failed ... Mission Accomplished. The Kaurna People of the Adelaide Plains and Missionary Clamor W. Schuermann. (Revised edition). Essay in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the TAFE SA English as Second Language Course Diploma in English Proficiency 10. December 2007. (Unpublished paper).
I'd Rather Dig Potatoes: Clamor Schurmann and the Aborigines of South Australia 1838-1853. Adelaide: Lutheran Publishing House.
U - Z
Sonntagsblatt. Zehnter Jahrgang 1840. Beck,
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